Maybe you've added a few pounds over the holidays or maybe you've been looking to lose weight and that four letter work enters your mind - diet. Personally, I think this word can be used just like the other four letter words as it tends to invoke negative feelings like profanity does. But there is an easy way to get started. This article is to help you with that first step.
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Start a food journal. In the beginning you'll want to write down what you eat in a given day/week to see where it is you are lacking in the number of portions of the 'good' food that you should eat and how much of the 'bad' food you are eating. You can also use your food journal to record how you're feeling throughout the process. It can help narrow down why/when your excess eating happens (i.e. when your sad).
2Start out slow. It will take awhile to eat the amount that you should be eating because you won't be used to it. It's like starting any other habit - it takes time. You will also be eating more so it may seem like it's going against the whole 'diet' thing but eating more of the right food groups will help you lose weight as your body will become healthier - getting rid of the 'bad' stuff and giving you energy to help with the rest of your diet (the exercise). Continue to use your food journal to record your progress and note the areas you still need to work on.
3Exercise. Here you'll want to start out slow as well. Maybe take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from the entrances, take short, brisk walks around your neighbourhood, etc. After awhile you'll be able to add more exercise, like weights, pilates, yoga, cardio, into your routine and it won't seem like such a big jump.
4Keep a motivating reason/picture in your mind or in your food journal. We all need a little help along the way and even just a quick glance or read of your reason will help.
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