
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mayo Clinic Heart Diet Before Surgery

The Mayo Clinic's Heart Healthy diet outlines 7 steps to prevent heart disease. However, a patient who already has heart disease and is going in for surgery will also benefit from making these specific dietary changes. Following these diet recommendations from The Mayo Clinic will help strengthen a patient's heart before surgery and promote improved heart health after their surgery has been completed.

Mayo Clinic Heart Diet Guidelines

    A very important step to take in improving overall heart health is to limit the intake of unhealthy cholesterol from the diet. This includes trans fats and saturated fats which are found in butter, margarine and shortening. These types of fats cause a buildup of plaques in the arteries, which ultimately increases the risk of heart attack and stroke due to the brain or heart becoming deprived of adequate amounts of oxygen.

    Heart-healthier fat options include olive oil, canola oil and trans-fat free margarine.

    When buying prepackaged foods, be sure to check for hidden unhealthy fats by looking for the phrase, 'partially hydrogenated' in the list of ingredients. Avoid eating foods such as bacon, cold cuts, fried meats and whole fat milk.

    Eating low-fat protein sources is also recommended by the Mayo Clinic. Some great examples include fish, poultry and lean meat. Eating certain types of fish such as salmon and mackerel are especially beneficial to the heart, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

    Eating beans, peas and lentils as well as adding soy protein to the diet is recommended. Drinking skim milk instead of low fat milk is also encouraged.

    Low in calories and rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables should be included in abundance. The soluble fiber which they contain helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, many fruits and vegetables also contain essential antioxidant vitamins which help prevent cardiovascular disease.

    Getting into the habit of using herbs to season foods is a good idea. Salt substitute may also be used in the place of regular table salt, which should be avoided. Healthy adults should eat no more than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day, which only equals 1 teaspoon.

    Practicing moderation is another important guideline set forth by The Mayo Clinic Heart Diet. A serving size of meat should be about the same size as a deck of cards. A serving of pasta should be about the same size of a scoop of ice cream. Save room on the plate for vegetables and whole grains. Various nutrients found in whole grains improve heart health and regulate blood pressure. Choose breads and pasta made with whole grains. High-fiber cereals are also helpful.

    To ensure continued success for healthy heart eating, The Mayo Clinic recommends planning daily menus ahead of time. Be creative and try to include a wide variety of heart healthy food choices in menu planning and resist temptation to grab an unhealthy snack.
    Beginning a heart-healthy eating plan before having surgery is a great way to get on the right track.

Instructions for the Day before Surgery

    No food, including gum and mints, should be eaten after 12 midnight on the night before surgery. Drinking beverages also needs to stop at midnight. Avoid swallowing any water when brushing your teeth.

    On the morning of surgery, dress in comfortable clothing. Women should not wear makeup or have painted fingernails on the day of surgery. Jewelry and valuables should be left safely at home or with the person who accompanies the patient to surgery. Be sure to bring along all necessary prescription medications to the hospital.


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