The weight you gain during pregnancy keeps you and your baby healthy. Once your baby is born, much of that weight will disappear. However, most women are left with some weight after their baby is born. Be patient while you are waiting for your body to recover: pregnancy is a complicated physical process. Remember a saying common to midwives: nine months up, nine months down. If you are anxious to get back into your pre-pregnancy wardrobe, however, there are a number of ways to encourage those last pounds to make a hasty exit.
One of the fastest ways to lose weight after pregnancy is also one of the least expensive and healthiest thing you can do for your baby and yourself: breastfeed. Part of the fat your body added during pregnancy is a means of storing energy for you to use in breastfeeding your child. You need about 1800 calories a day to produce breastmilk for one child; do not drop your calorie intake and make sure you stay hydrated. You can lose up to one pound a week just from breastfeeding.
Ask your doctor when it is safe for you to begin exercising again. You don't have to go to a gym to exercise. You can pop in a DVD while baby is sleeping. Or better yet, you can put baby in a sling or stroller and go for a walk. You'll be getting fit and baby will enjoy the fresh air.
Good quality sleep is hard for new mothers to come by. But you need to make sure you are getting enough sleep. During sleep your body's production of certain hormones decreases, particularly the stress hormone cortisol which helps your body hold on to fat. Getting a good night's sleep will not only make you feel more energetic and more like exercising, but it will also help you with your weight loss goals.
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