
Friday, November 1, 2013

Homemade Drinks for Weight Loss

Homemade Drinks for Weight Loss

There are many diets on the market that can help you lose weight. Replacing a meal or two is one way to drop pounds. You can find many ways to drink yourself into a thinner body. Many homemade drinks will help you lose weight quickly.

Chocolate Skim Milk

    After a workout, make a glass of chocolate milk (make sure to use skim milk). The amount of calories per protein is exactly what your body needs after a workout. The chocolate is key because the coco beans in chocolate contain many antioxidants that the body needs to repair muscle cells.

    Make sure that you are using skim milk instead of 1 percent. Skim milk is very low in fat while keeping important nutrients in tact.

Fruit Smoothie

    Fruit smoothies are a delicious way to help you lose weight. Fruits are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants. You can pick fruits that are high in water so that you will feel fuller faster and longer.

    You will need a blender, skim milk, non-fat yogurt, ice cubs or cold water, and of course fresh fruit of your choice. You can have a smoothie in the morning or eat one as a treat after a workout. Make a fruit smoothie as an alternative to a fattening dessert.

Ice Cold Water

    The easiest and most inexpensive drink to help you lose weight is as simple as drinking ice cold water. You can burn up to 200 calories a day by drinking the recommended 8 glasses water. Keep in mind the water must be ice cold because it burns more calories to heat the water back up to your regular body temperature.

    A study conducted by Michael Boschman, MD on 14 men and 14 women found that simply drinking a 17 oz glass of water, metabolic rates increased by 30 percent within 10 to 40 minutes. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will also help you get fuller faster, therefore causing less overeating.


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