
Sunday, October 27, 2013

How to Lose Weight by Using Slim in 6

How to Lose Weight by Using Slim in 6

Debbie Siebers, a fitness guru who has worked in the industry for over 20 years, created an exercise program called Slim in 6, designed to reshape your body through cardiovascular exercises and light resistance training. This six-week program works on every area of your body. Siebers also offers a diet plan with the program designed to jump-start your weight loss. Her program offers successful weight loss to those who faithfully follow it.



    Order the Slim in 6 workouts from the BeachBody website. As of January 2011, the DVDs cost three payments of $19.95, plus $12.95 for shipping and handling.


    Follow the three workouts for effective results. The "Start It Up!" DVD, lasting 36 minutes, provides an introduction to the basics of Slim Training. The "Ramp It Up!" DVD increases cardiovascular exercise through an intensified 57-minute workout. The "Burn It Up!" DVD takes you to the most extreme level of slimming and toning in a 64-minute workout.


    Track your progress. A guidebook gives you directions and helps you use the program efficiently. Use the calendar to chart your progress and track your weight loss. Measure yourself with the included tape measure as you approach your goal.

    Include lots of fruits and vegetables while doing the Slim in 6 program.
    Include lots of fruits and vegetables while doing the Slim in 6 program.

    Eat the right foods. A nutrition guide included with the program offers good food choices to further enhance weight loss.


    Receive online support through the BeachBody website and community members, who are working toward weight loss goals as well. Ongoing support includes a community, newsletter and chat room.


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