Diverticulitis is a medical condition in which inflammation within the intestinal tract leads to sluggish movement of feces within the colon. Rather than being successfully passed out of the body, fecal matter collects small, distended sacs known as diverticula. This leads to bloating, discomfort, constipation and, if left untreated, intestinal obstruction or even gangrene. Fortunately, the vast majority of cases can be resolved with modifications to the daily diet, decreasing fiber intake and avoiding "high residue" foods. A low-fiber diet gives the colon longer to rest, rather than overworking it.
To help prevent a diverticulitis attack, avoid eating whole grain products such as popcorn, rolled oats, corn muffins, or foods made with bran or brown rice as these contain high levels of indigestible fiber that may lodge in the diverticula, aggravating the condition. Choose refined-grain products instead such as white rice, pasta, crackers and baked goods made with refined white flour.
Fruits and Vegetables
In the produce department, try to avoid choosing dried fruits such as raisins or prunes, which are loaded with fiber. Steer clear of berries as they contain numerous small, indigestible seeds, and any cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli. Do not drink any fruit juice that contains pulp and be sure to cook all your vegetables prior to eating them to soften the fiber and make them easier to digest. Most raw fruits should be avoided with the exception of bananas, avocado, peaches and melons, which are comparatively low in fiber and easy to digest. If you must have raw produce, eat it only in moderation and be sure to remove the peel and avoid ingesting any seeds.
Meat and Protein
Choose tender cuts of meat, ground meats, fish of all sorts, and eggs as your main protein choices because they do not irritate the colon and are slow to digest. Avoid eating strong cheeses as they tend to contain high quantities of indigestible casein. Additionally, any product containing nuts and seeds, including crunchy peanut butter, should be removed from the menu because these protein sources can be very difficult to digest. You should also reduce the quantity of beans, peas and legumes in your regular diet as these are known to be sources of high dietary fiber.
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